The Blue Springs Police Department, located in suburban Kansas City, Missouri, needed a secure and convenient way to store officers’ long guns. The concept was to store the officers’ shotguns, sighted rifles, and other gear in a hallway near the patrol parking lot, so officers
would not need to carry these items into the patrol briefing room,
the locker rooms, or other areas of the police department.
Spacesaver offers a standard handgun and long gun cabinet, as well as a five-gun long gun cabinet, but the police chief preferred this engineered-to-order solution. It consists of a series of standalone cabinets that each store two levels of five guns, or ten guns total. Every police officer is assigned a compartment, and each cabinet also has a single large door that can be opened to provide access to all ten compartments at once. In case of an emergency, the police chief or the assistant chief can easily open entire cabinets, providing quick and convenient access to all the weapons stored inside.
Learn more about this solution HERE.