Vol. 280: From Obsolete to State-of-the-Art

Updating electronics systems at a university library

A large Midwestern university installed Spacesaver powered mobile systems in its main library about 25 years ago. After years of reliable operation, the system’s electronics were nearing the end of their useful life.

Over the summer of 2020, local Spacesaver technicians updated the library’s aging electronics to a new state-of the-art system with a user-friendly interface. The technicians gained special clearance and followed strict safety protocols to work on campus during the COVID pandemic.

The investment resulted in a refreshed system with a new interface that’s more intuitive for students who are familiar with LCD touchscreen “swipe” technology. The system can also be controlled via an app on users’ mobile devices, which helps prevent the possibility of disease transmission on high-touch surfaces. Help your clients learn more: