In addition to profiling innovative ETO products and installations, another goal of our Trailblazer newsletter is to share creative ways our sales reps have addressed challenges and moved past them to satisfy end-user customers—and make the sale.
We recently heard from Patterson Pope Sales Representative Bobby Davis about his experience with an architect who went with a low bid and quickly learned why the bid was so low, we thought it would be something the Spacesaver Group might want to learn about. Because the installation has only recently been completed, we ask that you don’t use this sales insight externally as the subject of a blog, website page, or a social media post– we simply look at this as a nugget of information that might be insightful in a particular situation.
CLICK HERE to get the full story.
If you have a story of a sales challenge and would like to provide insight on how you addressed that challenge, we’d love to hear about it—just email Melissa Ripp at and she’ll get in touch with you to tell your story in an upcoming issue of The Trailblazer.