Vol. 164: Tall medical carts


Flexible storage solution protects valuable assets

Hospitals, clinics, and other health care facilities need to store a variety of consumable and non-consumable supplies and equipment, and these items come in all shapes and sizes.

The Los Angeles health care center pictured here needed to store a large number of catheters for one of its labs. Stacking the ungainly boxes on small carts was ineffective, and it resulted in a supply room that was so disorganized that staff had difficulty keeping track of the kits, some of which cost upwards of $1000 each.

The Spacesaver solution offers these advantages:

  • Promotes patient health and minimizes wait times
  • Improves staff efficiency
  • Protects costly supplies and equipment
  • Improves inventory control
Learn more about this project HERE.

We’ve heard your requests for pricing information on projects featured in the Trailblazer. 

Your SSC net price for a 48″ wide 4-Post cart (cart only, no accessories) is approximately $750.

This system is drawable in Configura. In this case, 4-Post carts were fitted with long dividers (also called golf bag dividers) and shelf supports to keep stored items organized and secure. Wire baskets and other accessories are also available.