Vol. 163: LEVPRO in a university’s sports arena

Maximizing storage space under arena seating

Staff at the Bob Devaney Sports Center at the University of Nebraska need a lot of supplies to maintain the facility in a way that keeps student athletes safe and also creates a fun and festive atmosphere for fans.

Behind the scenes, the arena’s storage areas were overcrowded but the spaces under seating areas were underutilized, so the building’s maintenance supervisor acquired a LEVPRO system from Spacesaver. The system provides compact, organized storage for paper towels, cleaning solutions, and other janitorial supplies. The rack on top provides additional storage space and the shelving units “levitate” without touching the floor, making it easy to sweep under the system.

Learn more about this project HERE.

We’ve heard your requests for pricing information on projects featured in the Trailblazer, and starting today we’ll include that info. 

Your SSC net price for the system pictured here (8′ tall x 12′ wide x 4′ deep) is $3454.

LEVPRO is drawable in Configura. After you’ve determined your client’s space needs, you can simply draw the desired system to get pricing info for your particular project.