Vol. 151: Compact storage for an evidence warehouse

Spacesaver helps a growing city store long-term evidence 

Because the Calgary Police Department needed a lot of evidence storage in a limited space, the planning team chose Spacesaver’s ActivRAC® Mobilized Storage System and XTend® Mobile High-Bay Storage System to store long-term evidence.

The new warehouse has a variety of space-saving features that improve organization and ensure a secure chain of custody:

* ActivRAC eliminates wasted aisle space by mounting pallet racking on a carriage-and-rail system. The rows of racking sit side-by-side until evidence warehouse staff open an aisle to store or retrieve evidence.

* Badge-swipe access provides an additional layer of security to specified aisles.

* The mobile  XTend system stores evidence that fits in standard-sized boxes. The system moves along rails and extends toward the ceiling to make the most efficient use of horizontal and vertical space.

See more photos and learn more about this solution HERE.

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