Vol. 131 – Deep Trays for Map Storage

Spacesaver’s 4-Post shelving can be fitted with museum drawers and trays to provide archival storage, and the drawers and trays can span multiple shelving units.

For example, the Nebraska State Historical Society was storing aging map cases in a crowded storage area at the institution’s headquarters. Staff wanted to gain capacity for box storage and additional map storage, and they also wanted to upgrade their old map cabinets.

They turned to their local Spacesaver consultant for advice, and he suggested a solution that included a carriage, pictured at lower right, that is eight feet wide. It consists of four 4-Post units set back-to-back, with four-foot-deep trays running through two shelving units that are accessible from each side of the carriage.

The photo at top right shows how the tray guides span two 4-Post units.

Learn more about this project HERE.

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