Vol. 113: Museum Trays on 4-Post Shelving

cost-effective-museum-cabinet-trays-drawersSpacesaver’s 4-Post shelving can now be fitted with museum-quality trays and tray guides. The trays and guides can be added to existing 4-Post units or purchased with new units. One of the most appealing features of this new offering is its configurability. The tray sections are modular, so they can be installed in conjunction with other Spacesaver 4-Post accessories including shelves, drawers, and pull-out reference shelves. With six channels in each 12-inch section, the trays can be manufactured in any height in two-inch increments totalling up to 12”, or channels can be left empty to accommodate taller items.

Learn more about this solution HERE.макияж для цветотипа лето с серыми глазамиоформление медицинской карты ребенкалобановский александр фотоотопление электрическое