Vol. 9: Rail Lock

The ninth edition of the Trailblazer focuses on the engineered-to-order product, Rail Lock.

The Rail Lock was an engineered-to-order (ETO) solution that has been produced in several different variations to accommodate the different needs of various end users.

The rail lock allows an end user to fasten the mobile system in a fixed position.  This provides added security for the items stored on the system, and also allows the user control of locking the carriage system in a certain position, if need be. There are different designs depending on the length of the rail lock that is needed.

CLICK HERE to see the full ETO Spotlight on the rail lock. 

End users are not limited to this one type of rail lock though. Spacesaver Storage Solutions recently worked with Spacesaver to create a revised version of the rail lock for the U.S. Marine’s new armory, which plans to utilize ActivRAC® Mobile Storage for weapon storage. Look for a future Spotlight on this version of the rail lock.


Also, Product Marketing wants to hear from you! If you have an suggestions for past ETO projects, or standard projects utilized in a unique application, please send them to Claire Anhalt at canhalt@spacesaver.com 


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