Hi Team,
We are live with the new Military Parachute Storage Campaign! You may be asking yourself, “why parachute storage?” The launching of this campaign started with the Universal Storage Container product that was designed for parachute storage working in tandem with customer input.
The concept of this project started two years ago in Aviano, Italy. At Aviano Air Force Base there was a need to store parachutes in a safer container with smooth sides that would not compromise the integrity of the parachutes as well as capacity of the bin with storing the newly issued T-11s that were bigger than the previous T-10s. Aviano is currently using wire baskets, and the wire was breaking and bending in such a way that were hurting the soldiers trying to work around the basket as well as potentially damaging the chutes. Fort Bragg Army Base and The Georgia National Guard were also having similar basket and capacity issues as Aviano. They became the perfect candidates for prototype testing since they were local vs. shipping them overseas to Italy.
From the beginning, this has been a team endeavor from Engineering to Manufacturing to Area Contractors as well as the customer to have the product we have today. With the customer input along with the many revisions that this product underwent there are specific reasons that this “box” is the way it is. One example is the reinforced plate that was added on the bottom to avoid the forklift damaging the container when being pushed into place either on the parachute line or onto a cargo vehicle. The customer felt special that they were a part of this solution, and they look to Spacesaver as the parachute experts.
The marketing team has created content for this campaign so that you can be the parachute expert and help your customers solve their storage, security and organizational challenges. In addition to the traditional info sheets we have created a new piece called a Story Spec. This is a hybrid between a case study and info sheet that showcases the story along with the features and benefits. Both of these would be great introductions to the products that we offer as well as leave behinds on a site visit. A Killer App template is available for you to use to showcase the products when you go on site visits. There is a product-focused webpage that supports all this content as well. Click on the title to view the content:
Info Sheet: Universal Storage Container
Story Spec: Universal Storage Container
Info Sheet: Military Parachute Rack
Story Spec: Military Parachute Rack
Killer App: Military Parachute Storage
Webpage: http://www.spacesaver.com/products/military-parachute-storage/
Both myself and Melissa Ripp, our newest addition to the Marketing team, became somewhat of parachute experts in researching and interviewing all the parties involved and we are looking forward to measuring the success of this campaign! With the all the information provided, we hope you’ll see the need for these storage solutions with your contacts–and if you have any questions about the content or campaign, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Thanks for listening,
Carla and Melissa
Carla Chase | Digital Marketing Specialist | cchase@spacesaver.com | 920.563.0764
Melissa Ripp | Product Marketing Specialist | mripp@spacesaver.com | 920.563.0733
In maintaining our Marketing Foundation of Understanding, Creating Relevant Content, deploying (leading with digital) and measuring everything I have established the following goals for this short-term campaign:
To arm Demand Generation and the Sales Team with appropriate content to be parachute experts and introduce and sell parachute storage solutions.
SOSS - Space Operations Support Squadron
RQS – Rescue Squadron
Para Rescue
Life Support
AFE – Air Flight Equipment
CFMO – Construction Facilities Management Office
Arial Delivery Supervisor
Air flight Equipment Sr. Master Sergeant
WEBSITE (Parachute Page)
Overall goal is to generate more traffic and create more leads with the new content located directly on the page
300 unique visits per month
21 leads per month
7 Future Opportunities per month
2 Sales per month
1. Potentially create the following case studies after products are installed:
Universal Storage Container: Product from Concept to completion
Potential Interviews from
- 82nd Airborne – Fort Bragg
- Georgia National Guard
- Little Rock Air Force
2. Create an email campaign to target contacts that are in our database to introduce them to the product and get them moving down the funnel.
3. Awareness:
- Blogs
- Social
- Publications
- Add case studies to “Be Inspired” section of www.spacesaver.com