Vol. 235: New TUSC™ Control App

Helping a brewery save time and improve efficiency 

This brewery uses Spacesaver’s new patent-pending technology to open and close aisles in their ActivRAC system, search for items, and view safety status via their iOS or Android phones and tablets.

The TUSC™ platform also allows technicians to use a separate app to run diagnostic tests on site.

“As we all know in the commercial space, it’s really hard to gain large amounts of time,” said the warehouse manager. “The important thing is getting small amounts: a minute here, a minute there, 30 seconds. Those things add up and in a year, all of a sudden you’re talking about hours that get saved.”

Read the Trailblazer or get the full case study [PDF] [webpage].

Here are other materials to support the TUSC™ platform launch: 

Contact Spacesaver for pricing information.