Category Archives: ProductMarketing

Vol. 129: Police Shield Storage

Keeping civil disturbance gear organized and at the ready

While no law enforcement agency wants to deal with a large civil disturbance, every agency needs to be prepared. Response gear is crucial for officer safety and is usually stored separately from everyday items to ensure that all items are accessible and in good repair.

Spacesaver can work with any law enforcement agency, large or small, to develop the most effective way to store shields and other gear.

Learn more about this project HERE.

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Vol. 128: Illuminated Museum Cabinets

Protecting collections while promoting visibility

Museum staff often face a difficult challenge: they are obligated to provide the best possible storage conditions for the collections entrusted to their care, but they also want the public to be able to see and appreciate collections. The concept of “visible storage” is gaining in popularity as museum professionals attempt to strike a balance between preservation and accessibility, and Spacesaver’s sealed museum cabinets are an ideal solution.

Learn more about this solution HERE.

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Vol. 127: Doorless Response Lockers

Spacesaver lockers boost readiness and organization

When the Carbondale Police Department in Carbondale, Illinois, got funding to build a new facility, the design team brought in a St. Louis-based Spacesaver consultant to design storage solutions throughout the building, including personal lockers, high-density records storage, and modern evidence storage. The consultant also worked with Spacesaver’s internal teams to design lockers for the department’s Special Response Team. The lockers needed to be large enough to accommodate clothing and gear, and they needed to be easily accessible in emergency situations.

Learn more about this project HERE.

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Vol. 126: Rifle Cabinet for a Museum

Secure, space-saving storage for historic rifles

Staff at the Lake County Discovery Museum in Lake County, Illinois, wanted to store historic rifles in a locking cabinet that would not only protect the rifles but also help conserve space in the collections area and remain within budget constraints. In response to this challenge, Spacesaver’s engineering and manufacturing teams designed a pull-out rifle storage solution and modified a Viking 238 cabinet to accommodate the pull-out units.

Learn more about this innovative solution HERE.

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Vol. 125: Efficient Parachute Storage

A modular system promotes safety and organization

A small, unused building on an Army base was updated to house an Air Force parachute packing and storage operation. Spacesaver’s new parachute racks keep chutes safe and organized.

Learn more about this innovative solution HERE.

Complete information about Spacesaver’s Cantilever Rack System, including brochures and the Tech Data sheet, is located on SpaceNET.

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Vol. 124: Police Department Bike Storage

Keeping property organized and secure

When bikes are lost or recovered from a theft, they’re often stored at the local police department until they’re claimed by their rightful owners. This can pose storage challenges as unclaimed bikes accumulate.

The Tinley Park Police Department in Tinley Park, Illinois, worked with their local Spacesaver consultant design a creative bike storage solution. The compact mobile system is fitted with custom bike hooks to store bikes vertically, taking full advantage of the space in the room. With easy accessibility and a color-coded system that allows staff to track how long a bike has been in the department’s possession, the new system allows officers to keep bikes organized and secure.

Please note: The carriage and rail system pictured here is from several years ago. This solution is currently available in Wheelhouse® Modular Mobile Storage System and standard mobile options.

Learn more about this innovative solution HERE.

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Vol. 123: Networked Evidence Management

ControLoc® Technology improves efficiency and security

The Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake, which serves communities throughout Salt Lake County, uses Spacesaver evidence lockers fitted with ControLoc® Technology to create a secure chain of custody and to improve efficiency. The Unified department has a central evidence storage facility and evidence drop locations at precincts throughout the service area. Lockers at the drop locations are opened via access card and numeric control pad, and ControLoc passes data through a secure network connection.

Learn more about this innovative solution HERE.

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Vol. 122: Lock Box on End Panel

Securing historic weapons at a military museum

A military museum was storing weapons that were still operational, and an inspector pointed out that standard T-handle locks did not satisfy security requirements. Staff contacted their local Spacesaver representative, who had designed and installed the museum’s high-density storage system, to see if he could help. He forwarded the requirements to Spacesaver’s engineers, who designed a lockbox that met security requirements and was more aesthetically pleasing than other options.

Learn more about this innovative solution HERE

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Vol. 121: Competitors’ Shelving on Spacesaver Carriages

Stakeholders at a university library planned to mount their existing shelving on Spacesaver carriages, but their original shelving had been purchased from a competitor.

To make the competitor’s shelving fit on the carriages, and to increase the shelving’s stability, Spacesaver’s engineering team designed a gusset that fit between every other upright along the rows of shelving. The end result is an attractive, space-saving system that also resulted in significant cost savings. 

Learn more HERE.

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Vol. 120: Customizations for Integrated Design

Spacesaver’s engineers and local distributors can work with architects and designers to create custom library shelving solutions that integrate with any building’s interior design.

At the St. Louis Central Library, Spacesaver shelving functions as a design element throughout the renovated structure.

Learn more HERE.

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