Author Archives: Joshua

Vol. 28: Auto Manufacturer Personnel Lockers

This week’s Trailblazer edition focuses on personnel lockers created for an automotive manufacturer in Canada.

Engineered-to-order, these unique lockers maintain security while increasing the functionality of the locker rooms of a large automotive manufacturer. A smaller “closet” inside the full-sized locker door allows maintenance to leave behind clean uniforms and retrieve dirty uniforms from a production employee’s locker without having full access to all of the production employee’s belongings.

CLICK HERE for more details and photos of these innovative, engineered-to-order lockers.

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Vol. 27: Sales Insight: When A Lower Price Means Non-Compliance

In addition to profiling innovative ETO products and installations, another goal of our Trailblazer newsletter is to share creative ways our sales reps have addressed challenges and moved past them to satisfy end-user customers—and make the sale.

We recently heard from Patterson Pope Sales Representative Bobby Davis about his experience with an architect who went with a low bid and quickly learned why the bid was so low, we thought it would be something the Spacesaver Group might want to learn about. Because the installation has only recently been completed, we ask that you don’t use this sales insight externally as the subject of a blog, website page, or a social media post– we simply look at this as a nugget of information that might be insightful in a particular situation.
CLICK HERE to get the full story.

If you have a story of a sales challenge and would like to provide insight on how you addressed that challenge, we’d love to hear about it—just email Melissa Ripp at and she’ll get in touch with you to tell your story in an upcoming issue of The Trailblazer.


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Vol. 26: IT Storage Solutions

Information Technology (IT) has become an important part of any organization or company. With the increasing number of roles and duties of an organization’s IT department comes an increase in items they need to actively store.  Depending on individual needs, a variety of Spacesaver’s products can provide the perfect solution for any IT department.

CLICK HERE to take a look at two different market applications of Spacesaver’s products as the storage solutions for IT departments with very different needs.

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Vol. 25: Cantilever Acrylic End Panels & Canopy Tops

CantileverAcrylics_Trailblazer_EmailBanner_WEBsaveCantilever Shelving, one of Spacesaver’s most common library shelving systems, has been engineered into many different variations over the years.  One of the most aesthestically-pleasing and design-friendly variations is acrylic end panels and canopy tops.

Acrylic end panels and canopy tops can best be seen in the installation at the Seattle Central Library, where this engineered-to-order (ETO) solution helped maximize the natural light in the library while storing over a million volumes of books.

CLICK HERE to see the full ETO Spotlight focusing on Cantilever Acrylic End Panels & Canopy Tops

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Vol. 24: 4-Post & Case Type Shelving ETO’s

Spacesaver’s 4-Post and Case Type shelving are highly adaptable, cost-effective storage solutions for storing virtually anything. This shelving solution offers a comprehensive list of standard sizes options, but did you know that there are additional engineered-to-order (ETO) options? This week’s Trailblazer delves into some of the ETO options available for 4-Post and Case Type shelving.

Check out these additional 4-Post and Case Type shelving ETO’s HERE 4PostETO_UCLAfilm_KO_TrailblazerColors_WEBsave

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Vol. 23: UWW Wheelchair Basketball Team Lockers


John Butler of Storage Systems Midwest won the Challenge of Champions contest with this week’s spotlighted innovative engineered-to-order (ETO) solution for the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s Wheelchair Basketball Team.

None of Spacesaver’s standard products met the needs of the Wheelchair Basketball Team. Therefore, Spacesaver’s in-house Engineering department collaborated with John Butler and the end-user to design and create this custom solution.

The solution utilizes Freestyle® Personal Storage Lockers with the following engineered features to meet the team’s unique needs: 

  •  Wheel storage rack on the top of the lockers allowing each player to store their spare wheels by their own locker
  •  2″ deeper and a shorter locker height than the existing lockers, allowing players to access all locker components from their chair
  •  Small lockable compartment for securing valuables 
  •  Easily accessible locker space with garment hooks at the appropriate height for players to effortlessly hang their belongings
  • Click Here for the

Check out the UW-Whitewater Wheelchair Basketball Case Study HERE

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Vol. 22: Art Rack Shelf

The twenty-second edition of the Trailblazer focuses on the Art Rack Shelf.

Art Rack Shelf is one of Spacesaver’s most recent engineered-to-order (ETO) solutions.

The Art Rack Shelf ETO Spotlight not only highlights this innovative product, but touches on the thorough process of Spacesaver’s in-house engineered solutions.

CLICK HERE for the complete Art Rack Shelf ETO Spotlight. 

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Vol. 21: Thompson Library at The Ohio State University


This week’s Trailblazer edition focuses on the engineered-to-order (ETO) library solution created for the Thompson Library at The Ohio State University.  This innovative solution overcame several design and structural challenges. The resulting library solution demonstrates how form can meet function through Spacesaver ETO brackets and custom-sized shelves.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the ETO library solution done for the Thompson Library for The Ohio State University.


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Vol. 19: Bite Suit Storage Application

BiteSuitStorage_BorderCollageThis week’s Trailblazer edition spotlights the Bite Suite Storage application done for the Carlsbad Police Department in California.

Bite Suit Storage is not technically an engineered-to-order (ETO) product, but it is a unique and noteworthy application of a Spacesaver product.  It demonstrates how standard Spacesaver products can be perfect solutions for new, innovative storage needs.

The Carlsbad Police Department utilizes a Spacesaver Tactical Readiness Locker (TRL) storage system for their Bite Suit Storage.  Bite Suits are the protective suits worn while training police K-9’s for bite work and criminal apprehension.

CLICK HERE to read more details and see more photos of the Bite Suit Storage Application.

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