Author Archives: Joshua

Vol. 38: GE Design Center

Inspired by the way a mobile system created flexible space at the Seattle Public Library, this project utilizes engineered-to-order (ETO) manual carriages to create moveable walls. This series of mobile walls forms a mobile conference area with the ability to create custom-sized rooms– encouraging collaboration at GE’s Design Center/Think Tank.

CLICK HERE to see the GE Design Center case study! 

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Vol. 37: Library Renovation: End Panels & Lighting Add Needed Updates


Wanting to rejuvenate several of their
branch locations, a Canadian public
library turned to HBI-Calgary for
solutions and ideas to update their
previously installed Spacesaver
shelving systems with new end
panels and lighting.

Renovations included the addition
of lights to several the pre-existing
shelving systems, which resulted in
a Spacesaver engineered-to-order
(ETO) bracket.

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Vol. 36: Freestyle® PSL & TRL Engineered-To-Order Configurations

Trailblazer_0615_PSLConfigurations_CTAbutton_WEBsaveTrailblazer_0615_TRLConfigurations_CTAbutton_WEBsaveSpacesaver is continually creating engineered-to-order (ETO) design options for lockers to meet individual project needs. To provide insight on these ETO locker possibilities we have a createddocuments containing information on the various ETO configurations Spacesaver has already produced for Freestyle Personal Storage Lockers (PSL) and Tactical Readiness Lockers (TRL). The series of configurations in these two documents is regularly updated. 

Click the buttons above to see the most up-to-date ETO configurations for Freestyle PSL and TRL lockers.


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Vol. 35: Three-Piece Whiteboard End Panels


A Naval base wanted a solution that not only stored equipment, but also provided personnel with a tool for convenient communication. As a result, the three-piece whiteboard end panels were engineered-to-order (ETO) for three custom Spacesaver solutions on the base— armory storage, TRL storage systems for battalion warehouses, and high-density storage for the Central Issue Facility. The whiteboards help improve communication between base personnel and are useful for inventory management notation.

CLICK HERE for more photos and information about the ETO Three-Piece Whiteboard End Panel 

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Vol. 34: 3-Tier TRL™ for Public Safety

This week’s Trailblazer spotlights an engineeTrailblazer_3TierTRL_Image3_KO_WEBsavered-to-order (ETO) solution created for a Southern California Sheriff Department, a 3-tier Tactical Readiness Locker (TRL).

Combining two doors and one drawer, the engineered-to-order (ETO) 3-Tier Tactical Readiness Locker helped a County Sheriff station overcome their lack of adequate equipment storage while maintaining convenient equipment retrieval from all three tiers. 

CLICK HERE for more photos and details about the 3-Tier TRL for Public Safetyapple фотоаппаратbratfishing отзывыФільчаков Олександр ВасильовичДанильченко Харьков

Vol. 33: Mechanical-assist Nested Art Racks

The thirty-third edition of the Trailblazer focuses on a Mechanical-assist Nested Art Racks engineered-to-order (ETO) solution.


The mechanical-assist nested art racks were designed and created to meet the needs of a prestigious art museum.  These art racks maximize the storage ability of the museum’s limited space that was available for hanging art storage.

CLICK HERE for more photos and information about the mechanical-assist nested art racks.

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Vol. 32: Public Safety Weapons Locker






This week’s Trailblazer edition focuses on the Public Safety Weapons Locker.

A Massachusetts police department was in need of a cost-effective system to efficiently and securely store their various types of issued weapons. To meet this small-sized department’s needs the public safety weapons locker was created.

CLICK HERE to see the unique solution
created for this police facility.

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Vol. 31: Touch Technology Control™


Striving for optimum ease of use, security, and safety, Spacesaver recently launched its newest mobile storage system control, Touch Technology Control™. 

Are you aware of the information available to you about Touch Technology Control™? Below you will find several of the product documents explained (click the title to access the piece). 

Trailblazer_TouchTech_EngineeringProfile Trailblazer_TouchTech_CustomerInsight Trailblazer_TouchTech_NaturalGas Trailblazer_TouchTech_Powerpoint Trailblazer_TouchTech_SalveRegina


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Vol 30: Art Museum Visible Art Racks


The thirtieth edition of the Trailblazer focuses on visible art racks created for an art museum in San Antonio, Texas. These uniquely designed art racks played a major role in helping the museum adopt a visible storage format, while still maintaining reliability and convenience in storing their historic framed art.

CLICK HERE for more details about and photos of these ETO art racks.

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Vol. 29: Military Dining Hall Secure Storage

ActivRAC_DiningHall_CC_KO_WEBsaveThis week’s Trailblazer edition focuses on a storage solution created for a military dining hall.

It is many times overlooked that a military base is like a small city— it has all the amenities needed for service members.  These numerous amenities mean that military bases store much more than weapons and tactical gear, including food and laundry supplies.

Take a look at how Spacesaver’s ActivRAC® solved a military dining hall’s need for more storage space HERE. 

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