Renovations to breathe new life into a WI Public Library incorporated several engineered-to-order (ETO) products– including custom lighting, face-out end panels, and book shelving to utilize the space created by an alcove in the wall.
To read more about the ETO solutions created for this library click HERE
Saddles are an important part of Western history. To properly store and preserve their collection of saddle artifacts, a Museum of Art and History in New Mexico needed an engineered-to-order (ETO) saddle bracket. The ETO bracket was utilized as a component of a diverse solution created for the museum’s entire storage area.
To read more about this unique storage solution click HERE
Fulfilling the duty of being an afloat, mobile medical facility to the U.S. military while overcoming the space and structural limitations of being on a ship, means this U.S. Navy hospital ship has to uniquely adapt all of its functions and services– including its pharmacy storage.
To read more about this engineered-to-order (ETO) storage solution click HERE
BOOKMOBILE: Cantilever Shelving Gets a Whole New Set of Wheels
Spacesaver’s cantilever library shelving plays an important role in the interior structure and success of a Canadian library’s mobile branch– helping to bring library services to individuals of all ages around the community.
Wanting to prevent damage to their records storage system when driving a forklift down narrow aisles, a Colorado county government office required a wire guidance system be installed in addition to a Spacesaver ActivRAC 16P storage system.
Learn more about this interesting installationHERE
The new historical library for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints not only needed storage systems to accommodate its 270,000 books, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers; 240,000 collections of original, unpublished records; 23,000 audiovisual items; 13,000 collections of photographs; and, 3.5 million patriarchal blessings, but it also needed these systems to overcome the unique challenges that the building structure itself presented.
14,000 rare and special collection books are housed in the Gettysburg College’s Musselman Library. To ensure preservation of these rare materials, they need to be stored in a stable environment- where temperature, humidity, and airflow are regulated. When the library wanted to consolidate storage to create space for collaborative and study areas in its Special Collections area, the needs of this rare collection required a unique solution.
Charlie Middleton of DSSI and Spacesaver worked together to create perforated shelves for Cantilever shelving systems. The perforated library book storage allows air to not only flow side to side but also up and down through the shelves—protecting the precious collection.
With a storage solution integrating these engineered-to-order (ETO) shelves into static and mobile shelving, the library was able to free up space for other uses without jeopardizing the integrity of the Special Collections.
ETO Art Rack Creates 13,620 Square Feet of Additional Hanging Space
At a Wisconsin art museum, additional space was needed for visible storage, with an added request to make the storage more heavy-duty and easy to move.
More and more golfers are choosing to keep their clubs at one primary golf course, this means that facilities need more space for golf bag storage. Through several projects, such as the Ozaukee Country Club,Spacesaver has created a divider accessory for the UWR® Support Rail to help maximize golf bag storage space.
To provide storage for their multimedia collections and displays for their new books, A-frame shelving units were engineered-to-order (ETO) for a community’s public library. These versatile shelving units allow the library flexibility as their needs change.