Additional Information on ActivRAC® Carriages on Wheelhouse® Anti-Tip Rail

The Thursday, February 19th edition of the Trailblazer: Product News focusing on ActivRAC® Carriages on Wheelhouse® Anti-Tip Rails has raised several product questions.

For this reason, I recommend taking a look at the ActivRAC 7M, 7M-SS, and 7P Planning Guide for additional information about this product.  Click here to access it on SpaceNET 2.0 directly.

Additionally, below are the clarifications that have been discussed in relation to the ActivRAC Carriages on Wheelhouse Anti-Tip Rails.


1. When using Wheelhouse Floorless rail with ActivRAC we have to limit the ActivRAC carriage section load capacity to 3,000 lbs. per section.  The reduction in carriage capacity is due the limited 3,000 lbs. load carrying capacity of the Wheelhouse rail.

2. Anti-tip option for ActivRAC is not available when using Wheelhouse floorless rail offering.  If anti-tips are needed you must select the BAT rail option.

3. Wheelhouse Floorless rail is not intended for fork truck for pallet jack type environments; only specify this type of rail for light duty cart access applications.

 4. ActivRAC carriage length with Wheelhouse Floorless rail follow the ActivRAC carriage length guidelines, all built in Configura; however, remember that the overall carriage section loading has been restricted to 3,000 lbs.

If you have any questions please email Product Manager, Stephen Anderson (, or Product Marketing Specialist, Claire Anhalt (

Thank you!

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