Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What’s my discount on this contract? (link from Configura to Contract Brief – RR)
  2. GSA CTAs – what do you need from me?
  3. What’s on GSA?
  4. What’s not on GSA?
  5. Who can purchase from our GSA contracts? Can XYZ purchase from our GSA contract(s)?
  6. What’s a letter of authorization?
  7. What’s NJPA?
  8. What competitors are on our contracts?
  9. Who do I call if I need to change a ship date on a contract order? Customer Service
  10. Where can I ship a GSA order?
  11. Why do I have to ship a GSA order to the End User?
  12. Why are you invoicing me for this GSA CTA? It’s a GSA order, correct?
  13. Is XYZ a GPO member?
  14. Is XYZ a NJPA member?
  15. Can I get a copy of the contract?
  16. Where’s the list of all of our contracts?
  17. Can I get strategic pricing under this contract?
  18. When does contract XYZ expire?
  19. Why do we need to take the time to complete an Opportunity Profile / Opportunity Interview?
  20. How can I possibly estimate future contract sales?
  21. I want contract XYZ.
  22. Why can’t I hold the contract?
  23. Why do you need the PO?
  24. Why do you need my quote?
  25. Why do I need to select the contract in Configura?
  26. What is “negotiated government” on the Order Information tab?
  27. What is DLA and where’s my $?
  28. What’s my commission on DLA IQC sales?
  29. Why can’t I hold a GSA BPA?
  30. Do we have any sole source contracts?
  31. Can I sell Roll Lok doors on contract?
  32. Why can’t I buy direct from Delta? Quantum?
  33. What’s CCA and why do I have to work through P2?
  34. What’s Novation-SCA and why do I have to work through P2?
  35. What’s RackREIT and why do I have to work through IG?
  36. Why can’t I be the Primary on a national contract?
  37. Why isn’t product XYZ on this contract?
  38. What does “carry the paper” mean?
  39. Why doesn’t SS carry the paper for all contract sales?
  40. Why can’t I sign GSA purchase orders?
  41. Why do you need 5 days to put a GSA CTA in place?
  42. Why would I use a contract since I can make more money selling commercially?
  43. You can’t make me use the contract, can you?
  44. How will you know if it should’ve been marked as a contract sale?
  45. Why are all of our contracts different? Why can’t you standardize on products, discounts, terms, price list, etc.?
  46. What does mandatory contract mean?
  47. What does convenience contract mean?
  48. How do I protest a government award?
  49. Should I protest a government award?
  50. Why can’t we accept a GSA order marked as total small business set aside?
  51. Why can’t the AC invoice a GSA order marked as small business set aside?
  52. When should I introduce the contract?
  53. Who picks what contracts Spacesaver gets?
  54. How do you determine the discounts and products on contract?
  55. Why aren’t all our NSNs on the new IQC?
  56. Why hasn’t GSA 71 been modified?
  57. Can my furniture dealer use contract XYZ?
  58. Can my GC use contract XYZ?
  59. Do I have to do anything if the delivery due date is missed?
  60. XYZ end user refuses to issue a PO. Now what?
  61. Is the due date when it has to be shipped or when it’s to be received?
  62. My ADS PO is wrong. What do I do?
  63. Why does ADS care when the order is going to ship?
  64. Can I sell ETO items on contracts?
  65. I lost a project to competitor XYZ. Can you find out everything about them?
  66. Can I sell Spacesaver products on KI’s contracts?
  67. How do I get everything for my project on contract? (ETO, open market, etc.)
  68. Configura is displaying wrong. Can you fix it?
  69. Can I honor old pricing after the grace period?
  70. Why didn’t you tell me about the old pricing grace period?
  71. What’s a contract update alert?
  72. How do you determine the grace period for pricing on contracts?
  73. Can you call end user XYZ for me to talk about the contract?
  74. What’s the deal with the 3.7% freight you’re charging me?
  75. Something got damaged during shipment. Who’s responsible?
  76. My end user bought rotary and what’s to and an adder. Can they use the contract again?
  77. Can my customer return an item under contract and pay a restocking fee?
  78. Can my end user pay with a credit card? Purchasing Card?

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