Monthly Archives: July 2021

Vol. 332: Art storage in high-bay facilities

Consolidating and protecting a university’s art collection

High-bay facilities aren’t just for storing books and journals. These purpose-designed buildings can also provide an exceptional preservation environment for works of art. 

The planning team for this Canadian university’s off-site facility worked with Spacesaver to design art racks, shelving, and museum-quality trays to keep artwork organized and accessible. 

  • Download and share the Trailblazer
  • See two universities’ solutions in our blog post
    Feel free to use on your site or share with your networks! 

Vol. 331: Storing COVID supplies at resorts

American Rescue Plan funding can help expand storage capacity

Resorts and gaming properties continue to deal with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With restaurants still operating at limited capacity, and with the need to provide a constant supply of masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant to guests and employees, these facilities need additional back-of-house storage space for tables, chairs, boxes of bulk preparedness supplies, and more.


See how Spacesaver optimizes space to create more storage without a major renovation!

Vol. 330: Fiscal Year-End for the Military

Help your military clients get organized and streamline deployment.

Your clients can take advantage of year-end funds to promote readiness, reduce footprint, and reduce property loss. These funds are “use it or lose it,” so your clients have money that must be obligated by the deadlines below! Military projects often take a while to get planned, approved, and ordered, so get in front of your contacts NOW or you’ll miss the boat.


Vol. 329: Corporate Archives

Protecting artifacts that reflect corporations’ role in society

A corporation’s products, advertisements, photos, and other items provide a record of a firm’s unique role in a particular time and place.

With nearly 50 years of experience in helping museums and archives preserve precious treasures, Spacesaver is uniquely positioned to help corporations store artifacts of any size or shape.

Does a business in your territory need help designing an archive?