Monthly Archives: March 2020

Vol. 264: Motorcycle Patrol Lockers

Convenient, right-sized lockers promote efficiency

When Salt Lake City began planning a new public safety building in the heart of downtown, all services for the police and fire departments had to be housed under one roof. Space was limited in the expensive urban area, so the design team put a major emphasis on efficiency.

Like many other areas around the building, the motorcycle garage needed to make efficient use not only of limited space, but also of officers’ time. That’s why the design team opted to install custom FreeStyle® Personal Storage Lockers from Spacesaver in the garage. With lockers located right next to the motorcycle parking spaces, officers could eliminate the extra time needed to walk back and forth between duty bag storage and the garage.

Read the Trailblazer to learn more!
We also have a full case study about Spacesaver storage solutions throughout the Salt Lake City Public Safety Building: Web | PDF

Vol. 253: High-End Golf Bag Storage

Creating a comfortable & convenient guest experience

Back when the world made sense, a planned community in Florida was building a new clubhouse for one of its golf courses. The project design team wanted to provide a convenient place for residents and their guests to store golf bags, and they wanted every aspect of the guest experience to reflect the fast-growing community’s commitment to comfort, ease, and quality.  

Read the Trailblazer to learn more!
Product Info: This project consists of back-to-back 4-Post shelving on a manual Wheelhouse mobile system. UWR support rails with long dividers provide adjustability for bag width and height.

Vol. 262: Parachute Racks on Casters

Portable storage for heavy hanging items

Spacesaver’s parachute racks aren’t only for parachutes, and they don’t have to just sit around. They’re designed to be sturdy enough to hold about 90 pounds per “arm,” which means they can accommodate a range of parachutes, backpacks, and other gear. They can be set on the floor, installed on compact mobile carriages to save space, or mounted on caster bases for ultimate flexibility.  

Read the Trailblazer to learn more!
Need more detailed info? Want to calculate capacities? Here’s the Tech Data.

Vol. 261: Art Screens on Cantilever Frames

Sturdy, compact storage for hanging art

Even with an extensive array of offerings, Spacesaver is still developing new ways to design and manufacture art racks. For instance, a new type of art rack was recently installed at this military museum.

By using Spacesaver frames that were originally designed for cantilever racks, the design team could extend the racks to ten feet tall while also eliminating the braces that typically extend into the screens and break up the space. In this way, they were able to create more than 300 square feet of unobstructed space on each side.

Mounting the racks and screens on a powered ActivRAC® Mobilized Storage System eliminated wasted aisles to provide even more storage space in the facility.  

Read the Trailblazer to get all the details!
(You can download and print the Trailblazer by clicking on the link, and then clicking on the “download” icon that will appear on the edge of your screen.)