Monthly Archives: April 2018

Vol. 172: Compacting Reserve Desk

Secure storage for library materials

A growing number of university libraries are staying open 24 hours a day to meet increased student demand for study areas and collaboration space. Because circulation desks typically aren’t staffed around the clock, libraries need a secure way to store materials that have been requested for pick-up.

For this library in Kentucky, Spacesaver designed a counter-height compacting system that could be expanded for easy access in the morning, and then closed and locked at night.

See more photos and learn more about this project HERE.

Contact Spacesaver for pricing information.

Vol. 171: 4-Post ‘Cabinet’ in Widespan

Protecting and organizing a museum’s conservation supplies

Conservators at this museum needed to store large pieces of foam and archival paperboard, as well as pre-constructed archival boxes, rolled foam, and other supplies. They also wanted part of the storage area to be lockable.

They chose Spacesaver’s RaptorRAC® Widespan Shelving for its spacious dimensions, durability, and configurability. Two sets of tall locking doors were fitted to 4-Post shelving inside one of the openings, creating secure “cabinets” within the RaptorRAC framework.

See more photos and learn more about this project HERE.

Vol. 170: Ballistic panels for evidence lockers

Protecting law enforcement personnel from accidental weapons discharge

While accidental weapons discharges in law enforcement facilities are rare, the incidents can be serious, sometimes resulting in serious injury or death. Weapons collected as evidence pose particular risk because officers might not be as familiar with the operation of evidentiary weapons as they are with weapons they were trained on.

While following proper evidence handling protocol goes a long way toward ensuring everyone’s safety at the crime scene and throughout the chain of custody, a major Arizona law enforcement agency wanted to take additional precautions. To help guard against accidental injury, the agency worked with their local Spacesaver representative and Spacesaver’s engineering team to design pass-through lockers with ballistic protection.

See more photos and learn more about this project HERE.

Vol. 169: Locking Library ‘Carts’


Helping a library create a safe and flexible space
The Seattle Public Library’s unique architectural design is visually stunning, but one seemingly simple task — changing light bulbs — was extremely difficult to accomplish in the library’s soaring atrium area. The sockets are 50 feet above the floor, so the library’s management team realized that they would need to purchase a custom-built lift to reach them. They would also need to move the book stacks in order to maneuver the lift into position.
Given that this task would need to be performed every year or two over the life of the facility, operations staff did not want to unload and re-load all the books every time. Their local Spacesaver representative worked with library staff and Spacesaver’s engineers to design a solution.
See more photos and learn more about this project HERE.

We’ve heard your requests for pricing information on projects featured in the Trailblazer. 

As of April 2018, the SSC list price on a 108”L x 24”D cart with low-profile wheels and a carriage lock is $1,683. Contact Spacesaver for the most current pricing information.