Monthly Archives: February 2018

Vol. 163: LEVPRO in a university’s sports arena

Maximizing storage space under arena seating

Staff at the Bob Devaney Sports Center at the University of Nebraska need a lot of supplies to maintain the facility in a way that keeps student athletes safe and also creates a fun and festive atmosphere for fans.

Behind the scenes, the arena’s storage areas were overcrowded but the spaces under seating areas were underutilized, so the building’s maintenance supervisor acquired a LEVPRO system from Spacesaver. The system provides compact, organized storage for paper towels, cleaning solutions, and other janitorial supplies. The rack on top provides additional storage space and the shelving units “levitate” without touching the floor, making it easy to sweep under the system.

Learn more about this project HERE.

We’ve heard your requests for pricing information on projects featured in the Trailblazer, and starting today we’ll include that info. 

Your SSC net price for the system pictured here (8′ tall x 12′ wide x 4′ deep) is $3454.

LEVPRO is drawable in Configura. After you’ve determined your client’s space needs, you can simply draw the desired system to get pricing info for your particular project.

Vol. 162: ActivRAC in a cannabis grow facility

Optimizing space and maximizing profits

This facility in the San Francisco Bay Area uses Spacesaver’s ActivRAC® Mobilized Storage System to gain significantly higher yields in their cannabis flowering rooms.

The ActivRAC systems eliminate wasted space, encourage airflow, and allow for optimal light exposure, which maximizes the plants’ bud formation. Mechanical-assist handles allow staff to easily open aisles so they can tend the plants, and the aisles are wide enough for staff to work on both sides of each growing area.

We have a variety of new materials about this installation.

Vol. 161: Doorway in High-Bay Shelving


Providing a space-saving egress route in a high-bay facility

High-bay shelving facilities aren’t just big warehouses: they’re specialized buildings with specific needs for climate control, material retrieval and replacement, and other concerns.

One major consideration is staff safety. As with any large building, high-bay facilities are required to have multiple egress routes.

The Spacesaver team worked with the University of Texas at Austin to develop a solution that maximizes shelving space while still providing a way for staff to exit the building in case of fire or other emergency.

Learn more about this solution HERE.

Vol. 160: Storing inventory on the sales floor


Creating a stylish and functional retail environment

About a year ago, the HELM boot company decided to move its flagship store to a more desirable, but smaller, location on Austin’s east side.

“We knew we had to get creative with how we were going to store our inventory, while also creating the right environment,” said HELM founder Brad Day.

The shop now features a compact shelving system that’s as stylish and functional as the product it stores. The system is robust enough to store all the inventory required, while still complementing the store’s interior design and being easily accessible by clerks.

“We couldn’t have asked for a better solution in a small store,” Day said. “It provides what we need functionally, but also gives a look and feel and aesthetic that fits with HELM.”

See more photos and learn more about this solution HERE.