Monthly Archives: July 2017

Vol. 135: Crime Lab Weapons Storage

Keeping evidentiary firearms organized and secure

Spacesaver offers a variety of space-saving solutions for crime labs (see our new crime lab webpage here).

For example, we helped an Illinois crime lab create safe and compact storage for hundreds of weapons that either needed to be tested or returned to a particular department.

Learn more about this solution HERE.

Check out our new CRIME LAB STORAGE page to learn about other crime lab storage solutions.

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Vol. 134: Secure, Efficient Parachute Storage

An Army Reserve unit located in Georgia has a turnkey parachute operation with a mission that includes all phases of parachute packing, storage, and transportation. This unit specializes in air-dropping supplies in remote regions throughout the world.

The unit recently installed a storage solution that consists of 48 large Spacesaver parachute containers, stacked three high, and four sections of Spacesaver’s cantilever parachute racks.

See additional photos and learn more about this solution HERE.

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Vol. 133 – Surgical Kit Storage Solutions

Mobile storage in a variety of styles and configurations

Staff at most hospitals need to store surgical kits, also called surgical trays, which contain the sterilized instruments that are required to perform standard procedures. These kits must be kept sterile and well organized to ensure efficiency and promote patient health.

Spacesaver offers a variety of space-saving options to keep surgical kits clean, organized, and close at hand.

Learn more about this solution HERE.

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