Monthly Archives: March 2017

Vol. 120: Customizations for Integrated Design

Spacesaver’s engineers and local distributors can work with architects and designers to create custom library shelving solutions that integrate with any building’s interior design.

At the St. Louis Central Library, Spacesaver shelving functions as a design element throughout the renovated structure.

Learn more HERE.

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Vol 119: Art Storage on High-Bay Shelving

ArtBinsHighBayStaff at a large museum in Alaska wanted to consolidate the museum’s collection under one roof. The museum had recently moved into a new building, but vertical space wasn’t being used effectively in the new collections vault and many objects were still being stored in an off-site facility. Museum staff and leadership decided to pursue a multi-phase space optimization program, with the first phase calling for tall shelving along one wall, which would be used to store large framed paintings and other two-dimensional pieces.

Learn more about this solution HERE.цена на ноутбук applea 51 year old brazilian has become a surrogate mother for her daughtertopcargo отзывыгетгудлинкс

Vol. 118: Ventilation Park for Air Circulation in Wrigley Lab

WrigleyStaff at Wrigley’s Global Innovation Center in Chicago were renovating the center’s flavor laboratory, and they needed to:

  • Store large quantities of various flavorings in a limited space 
  • Provide staff with convenient access to the flavorings
  • Provide proper air circulation to maintain the flavorings’ integrity

They contacted their local Spacesaver consultant, who helped them design a high-density storage system that met all their needs.

Learn more about this solution HERE.

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Vol. 117: Lockers in Shipping Containers

lockers-in-shipping-containersThe Coast Guard Special Missions Training Center, based out of Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, was facing a problem: instructors and trainees were reporting to the dock for training, sometimes after driving long distances, and they had no place to change into wetsuits and store their gear. The unit had worked with their local Spacesaver representative on a different project about a year before, so they again called on Spacesaver to provide assistance.

The Spacesaver team designed and built a solution that transformed four empty shipping containers into a comfortable and secure place to change clothes and store personal gear during training sessions. The containers now contain full-height lockers for the instructors and a two-tiered locker system for students.

Learn more about this solution HERE.садки для рыбычехол для удочкиДанильченковиды плитки