Monthly Archives: August 2016

Vol. 93: Shipping weapons in a TriCON

UEWSS_smThe U.S. Navy challenged Spacesaver’s engineering team to create a high-capacity overseas transport container that would accomplish three goals at once:

  • protect and organize weapons and associated gear
  • conserve space on transport ships
  • move more weapons in less space

The result is the UEWSS, the first integrated Type 1 TriCON container that is capable of storing, shipping, and supporting modern small arms and crew-served weapons, repair parts, and collateral gear.

Learn more about this solution HERE.

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Vol. 92: Parachute Containers on ActivRAC

Parachute_Container_ActivRAC_smSpacesaver’s Parachute Containers vastly improved storage conditions at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, but the Division needed so many of them that a compact storage solution was required to keep the containers organized and accessible. In order to save space and further simplify warehouse organization, an ActivRAC® Mobilized Storage System was installed.

Learn more about this solution HERE.смс на биллайндоминикано турыпрокурор Фильчаковр24

Vol. 91: Ventilated Evidence Lockers


The buildup of unpleasant and potentially hazardous chemical fumes in evidence storage areas is cause for concern in a growing number of law enforcement facilities. These facilities often store narcotics and other chemicals in enclosed spaces, and proper ventilation is needed to mitigate exposure to airborne fumes.

While large law enforcement agencies typically have an entire room set aside for chemical storage, smaller departments don’t have that luxury. Spacesaver offers ETO ventilated evidence lockers and Narcotics Evidence Lockers (NEL) specifically for those situations.

Learn more about these solutions HERE.

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Vol. 90: Custom Museum Cabinets

ASU Meteorite VaultThe Arizona State University Center for Meteorite Studies’ move to a new building in 2012 created an unprecedented opportunity to expand and upgrade the collection’s storage solutions. The Viking Metal Cabinet Company, which was acquired by Spacesaver in 2016, created a number of custom cabinets for the project.

In order to create a space that would not only store the collection but also display it, the Center requested 12-sided counter-height cabinets in which alternating sections were configured with either storage drawers or glass shelving and built-in LED lighting to fully showcase the contents. Full-extension shelving sustains hundreds of pounds while being adjustable and easy to use. Doors are fully removable with piano hinges and the doors and handles are flush-mounted to create a sleek appearance.

Learn more about this solution HERE.лучший бюджетный телефон 2017moscow night tourданильченко юрій Харківвыпечка куличей