Monthly Archives: June 2016

Vol. 85: Sloped Tops on 4-Post

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASloped tops on 4-Post shelving offer a number of benefits. They present a finished appearance, prevent people from informally storing items on top of storage units, and help prevent the accumulation of dust and debris.

These benefits were important to a Chicago-area hospital that had been leasing an electronic supply management service that included locking cabinets.

Learn more about this installation and see how Spacesaver helped the hospital save nearly $40,000 a year HERE.робооптионотзывДанильченеоpr кампания это

Vol. 84: Parachute Containers

TopHalfOpenWhile Spacesaver’s Parachute Container provides sturdy storage for backpacks and other gear, it was designed specifically for parachute storage in collaboration with the Airborne Division of the Army Quartermaster Company. The container provides ventilation, protection from ground moisture, and enough space to accommodate packed chutes for a plane full of jumpers.

After an extensive testing and refinement process, Spacesaver’s team developed Parachute Containers in standard and large sizes (see Spacesaver’s new Parachute Container Info Sheet for detailed information).

Learn more about this solution HERE.

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Vol. 83: ETO Concealed Casters for Library Carts

concealed_casters_smThe staff at an Ohio library wanted moveable shelving units to allow for the quick and easy reconfiguration of library spaces. But they didn’t want the shelving units’ casters to be visible: they wanted the functionality of a library cart combined with the appearance of standard library shelving.

This sturdy cart blends in with the library’s interior design while offering staff a great deal of flexibility.

Learn more about this solution HERE.

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Vol. 82: ETO Plank Decking for Pallet Racking

plank deckingMuseums typically require a white or light-colored powder-coat finish on shelving and cabinets to enable staff to detect insects, dust, and pest debris.

But many museums must also store large and heavy items, and this results in a conundrum: museums need the sturdiness of industrial pallet racking combined with the refined appearance of storage pieces that could be found in an office setting.

Because Spacesaver frequently works with clients who have highly specialized storage requirements, our Joint Projects Team is accustomed to partnering with local Spacesaver representatives to design ETO solutions in cases like these.

Learn more about this solution HERE.32gb class 10 sdhcкарандаш для губ нюдданильченко юрій броніславовичгриль отзывы

Vol. 81: Frameless Acrylic Doors

acrylic doorsThe owner of Duncan Aviation in Lincoln, Nebraska, wanted to display and protect his collection of aviation books in shelving with see-through doors.

Spacesaver’s frameless acrylic doors were the ideal solution. They fit flush with the outside of the 4-Post frame, and the doors’ frameless design creates a sleek look, permitting full visibility of stored contents.

These doors can be ordered as an ETO in all standard 4-Post dimensions.

Learn more about this solution HERE..Detailed ordering information is on the second page of the PDF.

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