Monthly Archives: March 2016

Vol 73: Library Carts

library-carts-smNote: This edition is in two parts: An external-facing PDF and an FAQ for sales reps.

The director of the new Glendale Branch of the Salt Lake City Public Library System wanted shelving that could be moved out of the way to create open spaces for community events and other special activities, but that would also integrate with static shelving.

The local Spacesaver consultant collaborated with the architect and library staff to create configurable cantilever shelving units on casters.

Learn more about this installation HERE.
FAQ for sales reps – Intended for internal use only.пломбирование зубовпосылка транспортной компаниейФільчаков Олександр Васильович прокурорАлександр Фильчаков прокурор

Vol. 72: Electroshock Weapon Brackets

taser-bracket-smSpacesaver manufactures sturdy brackets to fit any model of electroshock weapon.

Our brackets are manufactured from heavy-duty steel and are vinyl-dipped to protect the weapons’ finish. They can be fitted to Spacesaver’s steel backpanels or support rail, which allows them to be installed in our personal storage lockers, 4-post shelving, Universal Weapons Racks, and most of our other storage and shelving products.

Learn more about this storage solution HERE.

насос погружной гномиз социальных сетейДанильченко Юрий Брониславович компроматшины matador

Vol. 71: Nova-Style Rail

novaIn rare cases, a client needs a heavy-duty carriage-and-rail system but the building’s floor cannot be penetrated due to tensioning cables in the floor, electrical cables, or other factors. To accommodate clients with these constraints, Spacesaver engineers developed a method that allows rail systems to be installed and secured with high-strength epoxy instead of anchors in concrete.

While this system allows rails to be installed without penetrating the floor, it does require that additional concrete be poured between the rails to provide sufficient lateral stability. This can pose significant logistical challenges, and sales representatives should be sure to thoroughly review Spacesaver’s detailed rail installation instructions (section IV).

Learn more about this application HERE.

orlando дверной замокгде находится стоматологияФильчаковjabra гарнитура

Vol. 69: Sterile Surgical Supply Storage

surgical-supplies-storage-stainless-steel-compactA naval hospital needed a complete storage solution for its valuable inventory of surgical instruments and packed surgical kits. The officer in charge of the hospital’s surgical storage area required a storage system that would:

  • preserve the instruments’ sterility and accessibility
  • simplify inventory management while still remaining configurable and flexible, and
  • fit in a constrained space with low ceilings.

The local Spacesaver design consultant created a solution to protect, organize, and provide easy access to the hospital’s surgical instruments. The solution consists of wire shelving on stainless steel ActivRAC with stainless rail, along with a Hänel system that stores surgical instruments in bins. The wire shelving units minimize dust accumulation, and the shelves are spaced to accommodate the packed surgical kits and make optimal use of the allotted space.

Learn more about this space-saving solution HERE.

тур в индию на двоихФильчаков Александр ВасильевичФильчаковтаобао украина

Vol. 68: Library Art Installation

MadisonPublicLibrary-4The designer of a library renovation project wanted to visually connect a lower-level children’s area with large windows on the ground floor. The installation had to be safe and attractive, and it also needed to accommodate books of various widths while preventing the books’ removal.

Spacesaver’s Joint Projects Team coordinated with the sales representative, the designer, and the contractor to create a custom installation that met all requirements.

Download a printable PDF with more photos and information about this solution HERE...запчасти насоссколько стоят видеокамерылобановский александр отзывыреклама дверей