Monthly Archives: February 2016

Vol 67: Compacting Kiosk

shopSpacesaver teamed up with the architect of the Seattle Public Library to create this compacting kiosk for a retail shop located in the library’s atrium. Spacesaver provided the carriage-and-rail system that allows the shelving units to open and close, and the architect specified locally-sourced millwork for the shelving and cabinetry.

Learn more about this innovative installation HERE.купить круиз по средиземному морюmeizuФильчаков Харьковкупити фідер

Vol. 66: Parks and Recreation Storage

parksandrecMunicipal parks departments typically need to store large numbers of rakes, shovels, saws, and a variety of other odd-shaped items. For this project in Des Moines, Iowa, the local Spacesaver representative collaborated with Spacesaver’s engineering team to create two engineered-to-order solutions. 

The first ETO was 22-inch-deep cantilever shelving to accommodate buckets, crates, and other bulky items; the second was a sturdy, two-pronged bracket installed at a pitched angle to store hanging tools. Spacesaver’s WeaponWRX backing served as heavy-duty steel pegboard. 

Download a printable PDF with more information about this solution HERE..

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Vol. 65: 4-Post Art Rack

Four-Post Art Rack_smArt racks are a popular storage solution for museums and galleries that need to compactly store hanging art. Taking the concept a step further, staff at a museum in West Virginia wanted to install an art rack on a mobile carriage, which would allow the art rack to integrate with other specialty Spacesaver storage units in their compact mobile storage system.

Spacesaver engineers designed the 4-Post Art Rack to meet this need. The unit can be mounted on a new or existing mobile carriage system, or it can be securely bolted to the floor.

Learn more and download a printable PDF about this solution HERE.

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