Monthly Archives: October 2015

Vol. 53: FileLoc® creates ‘room within a room’

filelocFileLoc® can be added to mobile shelving units to create a “room within a room” for storing sensitive materials like confidential files, valuables, and drug and weapons evidence. 

FileLoc® was originally created to bring Canadian Spacesaver affiliates’ product offerings in line with a government policy that required secure storage for confidential and protected items while still allowing for sprinkler penetration in case of a fire.

Learn more about this secure, space-saving solution HERE.

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Vol. 52: Oversized light-duty cantilever shelving

cantilever-smYale University’s art gallery needed open and accessible shelving that could accommodate exceptionally long items such as rolled canvases and other artwork. This shelves in this system can accommodate up to 80 pounds each and store items up to nearly 21 feet long

Learn more about this solution HERE.

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Vol. 51: Cantilever on ActivRAC®

email-blockCombining cantilever racking with a mobile ActivRAC® system creates an optimal storage system for warehouses where space is at a premium and where front posts interfere with efficient storage. 

Learn more about these solutions HERE.отзывсамодельные буры для бурения скважинФільчаков Олександр Васильович прокуроринтерднестрком смс

Vol 50: Long guns evidence storage


A southern California police department needed secure storage for long guns and other weapons evidence. A narrow space provided just enough room for a 4-post shelving unit to be fitted with a Rollok door, effectively creating a locking cabinet for weapons storage.

Learn more about this solution HERE.дверь верона английский дуб дворецкийкак подключить телевизор к ноутбуку через vgaданильченко юрій Харківpiccolo balalaika