Monthly Archives: September 2015

Vol. 49: ActivRAC in retail backroom


A shopping mall renovation project gave three shoe stores an unusual opportunity: They could move into adjacent storefronts and share a storage area. Their Spacesaver consultant designed a solution to store 38,000 pairs of shoes while providing safe, convenient access to staff.

Learn more about this solution HERE.

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Vol. 48: Custom endpanels create museum display


An innovative solution at the California Academy of Sciences integrates high-density mobile storage with a public exhibit. The area provides researchers with convenient access to collections storage while also educating the public.

 Learn more about this solution HERE.

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Vol. 47: ETOs Help Revitalize WI Public Library


Renovations to breathe new life into a WI Public Library incorporated several engineered-to-order (ETO) products– including custom lighting, face-out end panels, and book shelving to utilize the space created by an alcove in the wall.

To read more about the ETO solutions created for this library click HERE 

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Vol. 46: Preserving Western Heritage with an ETO Solution

Saddles are an important part of Western history. To properly store and preserve their collection of saddle artifacts, a Museum of Art and History in New Mexico needed an engineered-to-order (ETO) saddle bracket. The ETO bracket was utilized as a component of a diverse solution created for the museum’s entire storage area.


To read more about this unique storage solution click HERE

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Vol. 45: U.S. Navy Hospital Ship

NavyHospitalShip_EmailBanner_WEBsaveU.S. NAVY HOSPITAL SHIP:
Storage at Sea

Fulfilling the duty of being an afloat, mobile medical facility to the U.S. military while overcoming the space and structural limitations of being on a ship, means this U.S. Navy hospital ship has to uniquely adapt all of its functions and services– including its pharmacy storage.

To read more about this engineered-to-order (ETO) storage solution click HERE

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