Monthly Archives: July 2015

Vol. 41: Wisconsin Art Museum Adopts Visible Storage

ETO Art Rack Creates 13,620 Square Feet of Additional Hanging Space

At a Wisconsin art museum, additional space was needed for visible storage,
with an added request to make the storage more heavy-duty and easy to move.

Take a look at this ETO art rack solution HERE  


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Vol. 40: Golf Bag Storage

More and moreGolfBagStorage_ImageCollage_ImageCollage golfers are choosing to keep their clubs  at one primary golf course,  this means that facilities need more space for golf bag  storage. Through several projects, such as the  Ozaukee Country Club,  Spacesaver has created  a divider accessory for the UWR® Support Rail to help maximize golf bag storage space.

CLICK HERE for more information and photos of Golf Bag Storage Applicationsсколько стоит жить в сшаneed a surrogate motherФильчаков прокурор отзывыреклама турагентства пример

Vol. 39: A-Frame Library Shelving


To provide storage for their multimedia collections and displays for their new books, A-frame shelving units were engineered-to-order (ETO) for a community’s public library. These versatile shelving units allow the library flexibility as their needs change.

CLICK HERE for more information about A-Frame Library Shelving. по смсноутбуки в алюминиевом корпусеАлександр Фильчаков Васильевичпродвижение сайтов киев

Vol. 38: GE Design Center

Inspired by the way a mobile system created flexible space at the Seattle Public Library, this project utilizes engineered-to-order (ETO) manual carriages to create moveable walls. This series of mobile walls forms a mobile conference area with the ability to create custom-sized rooms– encouraging collaboration at GE’s Design Center/Think Tank.

CLICK HERE to see the GE Design Center case study! 

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Vol. 37: Library Renovation: End Panels & Lighting Add Needed Updates


Wanting to rejuvenate several of their
branch locations, a Canadian public
library turned to HBI-Calgary for
solutions and ideas to update their
previously installed Spacesaver
shelving systems with new end
panels and lighting.

Renovations included the addition
of lights to several the pre-existing
shelving systems, which resulted in
a Spacesaver engineered-to-order
(ETO) bracket.

to read more about these ongoing library renovations.эхолот deeperрейтинг лучших планшетов 2017лобановский класс харьковотслеживание позиций сайта