Monthly Archives: June 2015

Vol. 36: Freestyle® PSL & TRL Engineered-To-Order Configurations

Trailblazer_0615_PSLConfigurations_CTAbutton_WEBsaveTrailblazer_0615_TRLConfigurations_CTAbutton_WEBsaveSpacesaver is continually creating engineered-to-order (ETO) design options for lockers to meet individual project needs. To provide insight on these ETO locker possibilities we have a createddocuments containing information on the various ETO configurations Spacesaver has already produced for Freestyle Personal Storage Lockers (PSL) and Tactical Readiness Lockers (TRL). The series of configurations in these two documents is regularly updated. 

Click the buttons above to see the most up-to-date ETO configurations for Freestyle PSL and TRL lockers.


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Vol. 35: Three-Piece Whiteboard End Panels


A Naval base wanted a solution that not only stored equipment, but also provided personnel with a tool for convenient communication. As a result, the three-piece whiteboard end panels were engineered-to-order (ETO) for three custom Spacesaver solutions on the base— armory storage, TRL storage systems for battalion warehouses, and high-density storage for the Central Issue Facility. The whiteboards help improve communication between base personnel and are useful for inventory management notation.

CLICK HERE for more photos and information about the ETO Three-Piece Whiteboard End Panel 

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Vol. 34: 3-Tier TRL™ for Public Safety

This week’s Trailblazer spotlights an engineeTrailblazer_3TierTRL_Image3_KO_WEBsavered-to-order (ETO) solution created for a Southern California Sheriff Department, a 3-tier Tactical Readiness Locker (TRL).

Combining two doors and one drawer, the engineered-to-order (ETO) 3-Tier Tactical Readiness Locker helped a County Sheriff station overcome their lack of adequate equipment storage while maintaining convenient equipment retrieval from all three tiers. 

CLICK HERE for more photos and details about the 3-Tier TRL for Public Safetyapple фотоаппаратbratfishing отзывыФільчаков Олександр ВасильовичДанильченко Харьков

Vol. 33: Mechanical-assist Nested Art Racks

The thirty-third edition of the Trailblazer focuses on a Mechanical-assist Nested Art Racks engineered-to-order (ETO) solution.


The mechanical-assist nested art racks were designed and created to meet the needs of a prestigious art museum.  These art racks maximize the storage ability of the museum’s limited space that was available for hanging art storage.

CLICK HERE for more photos and information about the mechanical-assist nested art racks.

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