Monthly Archives: February 2015

Vol. 19: Bite Suit Storage Application

BiteSuitStorage_BorderCollageThis week’s Trailblazer edition spotlights the Bite Suite Storage application done for the Carlsbad Police Department in California.

Bite Suit Storage is not technically an engineered-to-order (ETO) product, but it is a unique and noteworthy application of a Spacesaver product.  It demonstrates how standard Spacesaver products can be perfect solutions for new, innovative storage needs.

The Carlsbad Police Department utilizes a Spacesaver Tactical Readiness Locker (TRL) storage system for their Bite Suit Storage.  Bite Suits are the protective suits worn while training police K-9’s for bite work and criminal apprehension.

CLICK HERE to read more details and see more photos of the Bite Suit Storage Application.

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Additional Information on ActivRAC® Carriages on Wheelhouse® Anti-Tip Rail

The Thursday, February 19th edition of the Trailblazer: Product News focusing on ActivRAC® Carriages on Wheelhouse® Anti-Tip Rails has raised several product questions.

For this reason, I recommend taking a look at the ActivRAC 7M, 7M-SS, and 7P Planning Guide for additional information about this product.  Click here to access it on SpaceNET 2.0 directly.

Additionally, below are the clarifications that have been discussed in relation to the ActivRAC Carriages on Wheelhouse Anti-Tip Rails.


1. When using Wheelhouse Floorless rail with ActivRAC we have to limit the ActivRAC carriage section load capacity to 3,000 lbs. per section.  The reduction in carriage capacity is due the limited 3,000 lbs. load carrying capacity of the Wheelhouse rail.

2. Anti-tip option for ActivRAC is not available when using Wheelhouse floorless rail offering.  If anti-tips are needed you must select the BAT rail option.

3. Wheelhouse Floorless rail is not intended for fork truck for pallet jack type environments; only specify this type of rail for light duty cart access applications.

 4. ActivRAC carriage length with Wheelhouse Floorless rail follow the ActivRAC carriage length guidelines, all built in Configura; however, remember that the overall carriage section loading has been restricted to 3,000 lbs.

If you have any questions please email Product Manager, Stephen Anderson (, or Product Marketing Specialist, Claire Anhalt (

Thank you!

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Vol. 18: ActivRAC® Carriages on Wheelhouse® Anti-Tip Rails


Volume eighteen of the Trailblazer: Product News from Spacesaver focuses on the engineered-to-order product, ActivRAC® Carriages on Wheelhouse® Anti-Tip Rails.

ActivRAC Carriages on Wheelhouse Anti-Tip Rails was engineered-to-order (ETO) for the sterile core area at the Children’s Medical Center Plano, formerly Children’s Medical Center at Legacy, in Plano, Texas.

To solve their storage needs two Spacesaver products were combined— ActivRAC 7M carriages were used on Floorless Anti-Tip Wheelhouse rails made out of Aluminum. Plexiglass end panels, and wire shelving that sits on shelf supports, were also incorporated into this storage system.

ActivRAC 7M carriages on Wheelhouse anti-tip rails allowed fast access, product visibility, and followed sterile protocol.

CLICK HERE for more details on ActivRAC® Carriages on Wheelhouse® Anti-Tip Rails.

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Vol. 17: Indirect Lighting for Freestyle® Personal Storage Lockers

This week’s Trailblazer spotlights the engineered-to-order (ETO) product, Indirect Lighting for Freestyle® Personal Storage Lockers.


Indirect Lighting for Freestyle® Personal Storage Lockers was an engineered-to-order (ETO) product utilized in the City of Franklin Police Department install in Franklin, TN.

To meet all the department’s locker rooms needs 245 Freestyle Personal Storage Lockers were installed. These personal storage lockers were engineered-to-order with a design that accommodated indirect lighting and a ventilation system.

The Freestyle Personal Storage Lockers had holes or grates placed along their tops that ran side-to-side. These allowed for an air duct to run across the top of a row of lockers to the exhaust system at the end of each row. The grates at the top of the lockers were fully opened furthest away from the exhaust vent, and closed increasingly more as they got closer to the vent.  The air ventilation system provided consistent air flow throughout the entire locker to aid in drying gear, as well as removing odors.

The sloped-top of the Freestyle Personal Storage lockers had a shortened depth allowing for lighting fixtures to be placed on top of the air duct. These lighting fixtures were directed upwards to create indirect or diffused lighting in the locker rooms.

CLICK HERE to see more details and photos of Indirect Lighting for Freestyle® Personal Storage Lockers.


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Vol. 16: University of Arkansas Football Equipment Storage

This week’s edition of the Trailblazer: Product News from Spacesaver takes a look at the storage solution created for the University of Arkansas’ new football complex.


The University of Arkansas Football Equipment Storage project is not technically an ETO (engineered-to-order) solution, but it is an inspiring example of the potential for creativity and effectiveness in Spacesaver’s storage solutions.

Customized Wheelhouse™ High-Density Mobile Storage Systems were installed in the University of Arkansas’ football equipment room, allowing them to store over 2000 boxes of shoes, 300 helmets, game jerseys, shoulder pads, belts, practice uniforms, footballs, coaches outfits, and more.

CLICK HERE for the full story on the
University of Arkansas Football Equipment Storage!

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