Monthly Archives: December 2014

Vol. 11: Freestyle® Bread Board Bench

The eleventh edition of the Trailblazer: Product News from Spacesaver spotlights the Freestyle® Bread Board Bench.



The Freestyle® Bread Board Bench was an innovative engineered-to-order (ETO) product created as a solution for lack of space in the personal locker rooms at the East Mesa Detention Center in San Diego, California.

Sunday Pearl, formerly of Spacesaver Intermountain, first came up with the idea for this solution. Spacesaver Corporation used her idea to develop the concept of this innovative locker component. Spacesaver Intermountain assisted Spacesaver in improving their initial prototypes, resulting in the Freestyle® Bread Board Bench and the final product was installed at East Mesa this spring.

CLICK HERE to take a look at additional photos and details about the Freestyle® Bread Board Bench!

On another note, due to a large number of people being on vacation in the coming weeks, Product Marketing will not be sending editions of the Trailblazer until early January. Happy Holidays!

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Vol. 10: Two-Tiered Lockers

This week’s edition of the Trailblazer: Product News from Spacesaver highlights the ETO, Two-Tiered Lockers.

 The Two-tier Locker, a special FreeStyle® Personal Storage Locker, was an engineered-to-order (ETO) product produced to fit the needs of the City of Sunrise Police Department’s new facility.

 Dan Smith, retired sales representative formerly of Patterson Pope, worked with Spacesaver Corporation, and the Sunrise, Florida Police Department to create this unique locker configuration for the gym locker rooms at Sunrise’s new police department facility.

CLICK HERE to see the full ETO Spotlight of the Two-Tier Lockers!


 The Challenge:

City of Sunrise Police Department’s new facility had to attractively fit a large number of personal storage lockers and benches in their gym locker rooms, while  maintaining ADA clearances.

 The Solution:

Freestyle® Personal Storage Lockers with two-tiers of half-height lockers and false  front bench drawers.

 The Benefits:

Enough lockers for all of the Police Department personnel, space saved by having the bench attached to the lockers meant the Sunrise PD maintained their ADA  clearances, and false front drawers improved the overall appearance of the gym locker rooms.

This City of Sunrise Police Department project started out as a focus solely on the gym locker rooms, and was then expanded to handle evidence, guns, juvenile records, SWAT equipment, records, detective files, police administration records, and fire administration records.

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Vol. 9: Rail Lock

The ninth edition of the Trailblazer focuses on the engineered-to-order product, Rail Lock.

The Rail Lock was an engineered-to-order (ETO) solution that has been produced in several different variations to accommodate the different needs of various end users.

The rail lock allows an end user to fasten the mobile system in a fixed position.  This provides added security for the items stored on the system, and also allows the user control of locking the carriage system in a certain position, if need be. There are different designs depending on the length of the rail lock that is needed.

CLICK HERE to see the full ETO Spotlight on the rail lock. 

End users are not limited to this one type of rail lock though. Spacesaver Storage Solutions recently worked with Spacesaver to create a revised version of the rail lock for the U.S. Marine’s new armory, which plans to utilize ActivRAC® Mobile Storage for weapon storage. Look for a future Spotlight on this version of the rail lock.


Also, Product Marketing wants to hear from you! If you have an suggestions for past ETO projects, or standard projects utilized in a unique application, please send them to Claire Anhalt at 


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Vol. 8: Seismic Activity & Storage Solutions

The eighth edition of the Trailblazer addresses the topic of seismic activity in storage solutions.

The level of seismic hazards varies greatly across the United States, as seen in the map below. Seismic hazards influence the seismic risks of a building and its structures, including its storage systems.


Spacesaver has a wide-range of experience designing specially for seismic considerations, and recently standardized the Seismic B Anti-Tip (BAT) Rail.  This is the result of more and more buildings being planned for seismic considerations, including the Salt Lake City Public Safety Building. Designed to withstand a 7.5 magnitude earthquake, Spacesaver worked collaboratively to place mobile storage systems around the struts stabilizing the building.

CLICK HERE to see the full Salt Lake City Public Safety Building case study.

Click the links below for more information on the Seismic BAT Rail.

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